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Creeping Thyme


This gorgeous creeping thyme will make your yard look like something right out of a fairy tale. It has a bright purple-fuchsia hue that catches the eye and will add endless charm to your property, a must for any gardener or plant lover’s home.



Creeping Thyme – This miniature thyme is fragrant, pretty, and charming. It’s also incredibly useful. Only 2″-3″ tall, you can walk on it (releasing its lemony aroma), tuck it between pavers in a garden path, use it as a tidy border or fill in a flower bed. It grows quickly but isn’t pushy, delivers texture, fragrance, and flowers, is great for cooking, and requires almost no care.

A hardy perennial in zones 4-9, Creeping Thyme has a place in almost every garden. It cascades nicely in a rockery, fills in cracks, spills out of planters. In summer, it’s covered with tiny pink blooms that attract honeybees and butterflies. It can be planted as a lawn that never needs mowing.

Creeping Thyme thrives in full sun or light shade, well-draining soil, with occasional water. It blooms in late spring through early summer. The pink-purple blooms are so dense that they completely cover the foliage. The rest of the year it’s dense green. This is the most charming, versatile, and least demanding ground cover ever.

Plants do not flower for the first two years!

Surface sow the tiny seeds in a flat, keep them warm and moist, and in a sunny space. USE A LIGHT MIST setting on your spray bottle/hose to water! Seeds are very tiny and too much pressure can dislodge them. Place your flats in a warm, sunny spot. Once ready, then tear off chunks of seedlings and plant them 6″ apart. They’ll fill in over time. This much seed will cover about 25 square feet. Four packs will cover about 100 square feet. Sixteen packs will cover 1000 square feet, about a half a pound.