Using the Raspberry Pi Zero you’ll be able to build a functional PC without breaking the bank. It’s small enough to fit in the palm of your hand and features a 1GHz ARM11 CPU, 512MB of RAM, a 1080p mini HDMI socket, and a micro-B USB for data and power.
Dimensions: 65mm × 30mm × 5mm
SoC: Broadcom BCM2835
CPU: ARM11 running at 1GHz
RAM: 512MB
Wireless: 2.4GHz 802.11n wireless LAN
Bluetooth: Bluetooth Classic 4.1 and Bluetooth LE
Power: 5V, supplied via micro USB connector
Video & Audio: 1080P HD video & stereo audio via mini-HDMI connector
Storage: MicroSD card
Output: Micro USB
GPIO: 40-pin GPIO, unpopulated
Pins: Run mode, unpopulated; RCA composite, unpopulated
Camera Serial Interface (CSI)