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Moving Ink Blot Masks


If you’re looking for a truly creepy mask then look no further than these moving inkblot Rorschach masks. These hand made masks are akin to the mask seen in the movie Watchmen with the endlessly changing ink blots, and come in five different ink blot styles.


HERE IT IS … the best animated Rorschach inkblot mask you will find. Thousands sold in over 55 countries, 1.5+ million video views on Youtube and now in our 7th year offering these! No special effects needed. Your warm breath fades the ink to transparent; cool air darkens it producing a moving effect. What you see is what you’ll get! A little practice goes a long way. The patterns are made using nontoxic, 100% safe thermochromic ink that reacts to your breath. So you control the effect!
One size fits all.