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Hummingbird Feeder Ring


Make your yard a more lively place by attracting cute little hummingbirds with this feeder ring. This brightly colored wearable BPA-free and fade-resistant ring is dishwasher safer and is available in seven vibrant color options.


The Hummingbird Ring is a great feeder for an up close and personal experience with hummingbirds, but if the birds don’t recognize your yard as hummingbird-friendly, they won’t ever visit your ring. Fortunately, it can be easy to attract hummingbirds to your yard and help them find your Hummingbird Ring.What Hummingbirds NeedHummingbirds are interested in four things in every yard they visit – food, water, shelter and nesting sites. If your yard provides all four in abundance, you’ll soon have plenty of hummingbirds flocking to visit.