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Easy Log Splitting Axe


Stockpile firewood in a fraction of the time with this easy log splitting axe at your side. The bold design of this tool shifts the center of mass to the side so that you generate rotational torque as you drive the axe downward in order to split the log using less force.


Vipukirves Leveraxe Splitting Axe 36″ With leveraxe you can hit near the edge of the log. With the traditional axe you are almost always required to strike near the middle of the log. Hitting closer to the edge would be dangerous because it is too easy to miss the log or the axe will bounce wildly from a non-centred strike. In both situations the results can be dangerous. Unfortunately, as we all know, splitting a whole log when hit in the centre is the most challenging task. When you have been able to split it in two, the rest will go much more easily. With Leveraxe you won’t need to take the whole log head on by striking in the middle. Instead, you can easily and safely start splitting suitably sized logs from the sides by striking closer to edges. No more needing the futile first heavy strikes just to get the log split in two. Features: The Leveraxe is a wood splitting axe used to split firewood of nearly any type of wood and diameter. Leveraxe’s innovated design produces a levering action as it sinks into the wood. Less force is required to split the wood compared to traditional axes. The hook on the back of the axe is a brake. This feature stops the axe on top of the wood, not allowing it to go into the ground or the user’s leg.