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Touch Sensitive Plants


If you think plants don’t have feelings then you’ve never encountered a touch sensitive plant before. These bashful Mimosa Pudica plants lie still while left alone, but as soon as they feel your touch, the plant comes to life in beautifully mind-blowing ways.


Grow Sensitive Plant from fresh Mimosa Pudica flower seeds. The Sensitive Plant is aptly named mainly because of it’s physical reaction to human touch. When you brush the leaves of Mimosa Pudica, you will notice that they will close for a few seconds to minutes, later opening back up. The leaves are not the only thing to react however, the branches themselves will also move when the leaves are touched. Each plant will grow several branches filled with with touchable leaves. Each Pinna will contain 10 to 26 leaflets. Mimosa Pudica, or “Sensitive Plant” will reach an average mature height of about 18 to 24 inches tall, but can sometimes grow to a couple of feet. They are established as annual plants, growing quickly and later dying with the first frost. The Mimosa Pudica plant may produce pink blooms through the summer after a few months of growth. The flowers are roughly 1/2 inch in diameter and will become more and more visible as the plants grow older.